
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Introduction to an Objectivist Epistemology
Things You Should Know About AYN RAND, and the GOP

Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum was born in pre-Bolshevik revolution Russia. Her father owned a small, but successful pharmacy in St. Petersburg. When Alisa was 12, the Soviet/Bolshevik revolution (1917) came about, and the Bolsheviks took away her father's pharmacy. The Rosenbaum family fled to Crimea, and Alisa later returned to her (renamed) city of Petrograd where she was among the first group of women allowed to pursue a university education.

Sometime during her university career, Alisa assumed the name AYN RAND as her professional name. Ayn Rand came to America in 1925 on a tourist visa - stayed briefly with family and with family friends in both New York, and Chicago before moving west to Hollywood, CA.

Ayn Rand stayed in the US well past when her tourist visa expired, and worked for a wage as an extra in a few movies. She was an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT (by modern day right wing rhetoric). Ayn married Frank O'Connor in 1929 and became a US Citizen in 1931.

Over the next 40 odd years, Ayn Rand developed a very significant following in the United States, as a 'thinker' and as a 'free market capitalist' philosopher. The unquestioned commercial success of "Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" made her a household name, and a very rich lady. Ayn made a lot of money - largely, I believe, by exploiting American fear of Collectivism/Communism, and by relentlessly pushing her agenda to enrich her coffers.

Ayn Rand retired in 1975 (age 70), and applied for SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE benefits despite having a large financial estate. You see, as any other American, she was eligible, and she was ENTITLED. How very individualistic. How very Objectivistic.

Republican Party's drinking from the Ayn Rand fire-hose truly started in 1980s with the so called "Ronald Reagan Revolution", and its cousin, the "Trickle Down" economics that have since been heaved upon the American public. Why do the American masses have to wait for anything to 'trickle down'? America is based on the idea of equality and equal opportunity, so why not GO GET IT? Why wait for the 'Masters' to let crumbs trickle down? Trickle Down is pure and sheer BullShit, for the only things that have trickled down, in the last 30 years, is SHIT. Yes, Americans have creature comforts, flat screen TVs, yada yada yada, etc. But the American masses are broke and bankrupt. That is the true Trickle Down effect.

Trickle Down is the largest socio-economic fraud, in history, perpetrated on the American people by its elected conservative ruling elite. The real objective and true goal of the GOP and post-Nixon Conservatives is to forever keep the masses in modern day equivalent of 'Indentured Servitude'. That was how most passengers on the Mayflower paid for their passage to America. That, despite some lofty verbiage, was the Founders' intent. Read up, and look it up if you do not buy my line.

The likes of the Bush(es), Cheneys, VP candidate Paul Ryan, and the GOP Candidate Mitt Romney, have benefited and taken advantage of the 'American System' and the 'American Way'. And, once they 'made' it, they turned that Ayn Rand fire-hose FULL-ON.

Truth is, in my mind's eye, Ayn Rand propaganda was nothing but the psychology of being utterly and shamelessly SELFISH, to find a way to become rich in America. Once she got there, it was all about more money for her, and she was not above using ANY means to achieve her own goals and objectives, including hurting others' pursuit of similar goals.

The GOP is well on its way to its eventual self-destruction. The American Awakening is finally here.

PS: I refuse to address, or to acknowledge, Libertarians for they are nothing short of Ayn Rand to the power of N, a large positive integer. For my dollar, they can all collectively depart for planet Mars and set up new colonies.

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